Susan Mulligan Fleischman
It’s been said the best camera to have is the one in your hand, and Susan is a true believer, thankful for the convenience and high-tech quality phone cameras now offer. Her love of photography started when she received her first 35mm camera in high school. In roll after roll of film, she experimented with capturing light as well as her cute little nephews who were always in motion. Photography classes in college whet her appetite for black and white images, and Susan loved learning how to process film and develop prints.
Through the ensuing years after college, the digital revolution was in full swing. The effect on photography was evident as Susan shared her first baby’s photographs as prints, her second baby’s photos on CDs, and her third baby’s photos online. Life got busy and photography took a back seat. A few years ago, Susan discovered 52Frames, a weekly photography challenge for a large online community, and the spark was rekindled. She fell in love with photography all over again, learning and growing more than she’d thought possible.